Participation in the Summer School of the University of Castilla -La Mancha “The Special Planning of Historic Areas”. Toledo, July 1997.
Collaboration in the Interdisciplinary Course III and Complementary Continuing on “The Historical and Natural Heritage Training Value. Marcelino Botin Santander Cultural and Economic Action.” Foundation. 1997.
Director and performances on the walls of Toledo Plan. Days on the walled enclosures. University of Alcalá – Ayto Guadalajara. XVII Summer Courses. Guadalajara, September 22, 2000.
Restoration of the Walls of Toledo. College Graduates and Doctors of Madrid. February 21, 2002.
The case of Albarracin. XXV Meeting of Associations and Institutions for the protection of Cultural Heritage and Environment. foundation Hispania Nostra. June 8, 2002.
Restoration of Rostov Kremlin. Chair in Construction I. E.T.S.A.M. Madrid. April 17, 2002.
Asset Management: Intervention in the church of San Agustin de Talavera de la Reina. M.R.P.P. From University of Alcalá Henares, November 5, 2004.
The Legal Heritage Management. Master in Urbanism and Planning . CEU Business School. July 27, 2006 .
Asset Management: Heritage in Danger. MRPP Alcalá de Henares University, December 2006.
Protection of the Historical Landscape in mixed sets. Debates Heritage. Hispania Nostra. January 2007.
Asset Management: Heritage in the former Yugoslavia. M.R.P.P. De Alcalá de Henares University, December 2007.
The Monastery of Yuste , Value Analysis and Value Analysis. “Restoration IV Bienal Monumental Madrid, January 2009.
The Cathedral of Albarracin. Fundación Santa María la Real de Vitoria, Vitoria March 28, 2012.
Examples of Roman amphitheatres Action in the Mediterranean Basin. Previous Studies Course for Intervention in Buildings Historic: Learn to Restore. Junta de Comunidades de Castilla -La Mancha. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. February 2013.