Feasibility Studies are vital when intervining in the inmovable historical heritage. These previous studies about a building, both private and public property, allow to focus the intervention to find the recovery depending on different purposes – from the strict preservation and the simple aesthetic enjoyment to the development of a management plan and the economical return on investment – establishing a coherent dignified uses plan compatible with the nature of the building.
Establishing from the very beginning which are the available media and which is the final purpose of the process is vital. The different steps of a process of restoration and recovery of a monument must be established in a clear, useful and operational document. Frequently the Director Plan or the Plan of Action is required because it allows to establish a number of steps and phases in the state of the building, the priorities and the resources. Implementing the concept of maintenance and preventive conservation in the architectonic heritage results, as in human beings, in a great cost saving and a greater enjoyment of life, of human being and of the good.
The new methods of analysis and diagnostic and monitoring from different disciplines let improve the knowledge without damaging, and saving costs and focusing on an appropriate intervention. For this reason, it is basic to have, as it happens in our studio, a good team of potential external collaborators and experts who, from their own technical and professional autonomy, give the opportunity of organizing well coordinated teams who guarantee the best results with minimal cost in a short period of time.